Companion blog for the essay: "UNIFICATIONISM a critique & counterproposal"

"A religion does not need to be interpreted literally
in order to be valuable and taken seriously."

Monday, November 23, 2015

COMMENTS ON: God, Sex and Me (Unification Church)


Thank you for your comments.
I agree with your lovely statement that "respect, honor, loyalty and affection are deep expressions of love."
Isn't sexual intercourse also "affection" and "deep expressions of love"? Is sexuality and the above values mutually exclusive of one another?
Doesn't painting "sexual intercourse" as primarily a biological function take away from it's sacredness and part of the vitality of existence?
Do we say that eating is just a biological function "fundamental to species survival, it wanes in the latter years of life"?
With respect, I don't think there is any one-size-fits-all when it comes to sexuality. I'm going on 64 and my sexuality seems to be gaining momentum as I grow older.
The Divine Principle itself teaches that "physical body" "give and take" is essential for the "vitality elements" necessary for spiritual growth.
The Divine Principle also states "love is the source of life, the key to happiness, and the essence of the ideal to which all beings aspire." It's talking about the sexual attraction between Lucifer and Eve in this section.
Do we think God's sexuality "wanes" as He/She gets older?
Is it wise for us to give young people the idea that a vibrant, alive and exuberant sexual life is somehow less than, or unprincipled?
Sexual wisdom doesn't have to be anti-sexual, does it?
Thank you again.
Respectfully and with love.
I want to say more about this series of anonymous articles, but I want to wait until the end.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

BOOK: The New Politics of Pornography by Donald Alexander Down, University Of Chicago Press

Friday, November 6, 2015

COMMENT ON: DP Life "God, Sex and Me: The First Heartbreak" (Unification Church)

Dear brothers and sisters,
Thank you for this thought provoking series!
Aren't we also engaging in "half-truths" when we interpret the Divine Principle literally by saying that God was only "heartbroken" by the Fall?
Don't all parents grieve when their children leave home, but at the same time happy to see them go out on their own? Take their own risks? Make their own mistakes?
Isn't that what it takes to mature?
Isn't what the scripture says in Gen 6:6 is that God was sorry because mankind was evil "all the time"—versus, say, just part of the time?
"And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil..."
—Gen 3:22
And then, in Gen 8:21, he regretted the flood. (He got "flooded," you might say.)
Respectfully and with love
Your brother