Companion blog for the essay: "UNIFICATIONISM a critique & counterproposal"

"A religion does not need to be interpreted literally
in order to be valuable and taken seriously."

Friday, December 11, 2015

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

COMMENTS ON: God, Sex and Me, (Unification Church) - December 8, 2015


Dear brother

Thank you for your comments.

What is "selfish sex" in your view? "Sexual misbehavior"?


Thank you for your reply!

I agree with your great comment "living for each other in a marriage including sex and all sorts of emotional love is the highest."

What you named above as examples of "selfish sex" are pathological crimes and the exception to the rule, I would say. I think the vast majority of young people (reading this article) are not criminals.

Usually the pathology is in the criminal before the crime. Pathology can have many sources in a person. Even very good parents can give birth to a person with severe problems.

When sex is used for a selfish reason, the selfishness was there before the sex.

The "root of all evils" would also be there before the sex, right?

There are other ways selfishness can be expressed other than through sex.

One of the biggest problems we face in our world today is when otherwise very good people are persuaded, beforehand and inwardly, by their beliefs and ideology, that they're justified in violating and denying the human rights of others.

Respectfully and with love

Thank you very much for your candid give and take.

I appreciate it very much.

I receive great joy in satisfying my "lust" (sexual hunger). It's fun.

I would think "unselfish" means trying to do no harm to others in the process, at the least, and, at its best, bring joy and happiness to another.

A kind of "selfish sex," in my view, would be insisting my way is the only allowed way for all to satiate sexual hunger.

Respectfully and with love.