Companion blog for the essay: "UNIFICATIONISM a critique & counterproposal"

"A religion does not need to be interpreted literally
in order to be valuable and taken seriously."

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Personal Comments on Mother Moon's Latest Hoon Dok Hwe Message "This Country is God’s Homeland" April 13, 2015

Links to the Church Articles:

IPeace TV Shares True Mother’s Latest Hoon Dok Hwe Message

This Country is God’s Homeland

My Comments:*

Dear Brothers and Sisters

I have sincere and heartfelt concerns about the church's involvement in the political and military goals voiced in this report. Isn't every country "God's homeland"? The separation of church and state and the rule of law are very important for the religious freedom of us all.

It seems to me that the church is seeking governmental authority and not just religious converts. That is very troubling.

The only reason that the clergy would seek such political authority is to possess the powers of a civil government (e.g. police, army, law making, law enforcement). And the only purpose for that would be to force the public to accept their religious views and commands through physical means rather than through love, service and persuasion.

Sincerely and respectfully and with love.

"What, then, is fascism? Fascism denies the fundamental values of modern democracy, including respect for the individual and his basic rights, freedoms of speech, the press and association, and the parliamentary system. Race or nationality is the ultimate value, to be upheld by a strong nation-state..."
—Unification Church Divine Principle Chapter 5 Section 4.3.2

The Constitution of the Republic of Korea
Article 20: [Religion, Church] (1) All citizens enjoy the freedom of religion.
(2) No state religion may be recognized, and church and state are to be separated. 

"The purpose will not be to legislate, either politically or doctrinally, but to promote mutual respect..." —Sun Myung Moon

*These comments were submitted on the Church website article on April 7, 2015

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