Companion blog for the essay: "UNIFICATIONISM a critique & counterproposal"

"A religion does not need to be interpreted literally
in order to be valuable and taken seriously."

Sunday, August 2, 2015

"... the notion of a national community based on 'blood and soil'..."—Encyclopædia Britannica

"After the 'Dreyfus affair,' which polarized French opinion of the right and left, Maurras became an ardent monarchist. In June 1899 he was one of the founders of L'Action française, a review devoted to integral nationalism, which emphasized the supremacy of the state and the national interests of France; promoted the notion of a national community based on 'blood and soil'; and opposed the French Revolutionary ideals of liberté, égalité, and fraternité ('liberty,' 'equality,' and 'fraternity')..."

—Charles Maurras. 2015. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Retrieved 02 August, 2015, from

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