Companion blog for the essay: "UNIFICATIONISM a critique & counterproposal"

"A religion does not need to be interpreted literally
in order to be valuable and taken seriously."

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Personal comments on the article; "What was God's Plan? ... 2,000 Years of Bearing the Cross"

Dear sister ... ,
Thank you again for this series. I like your comment; "show us a whole new lifestyle, a way of loving and connecting." Amen!
Nothing like the present moment, as they say.
You ask a very good question; "what was God's plan?"
I agree with Father Moon's notion that Christianity began later, after the life and death of Jesus. Jesus was Jew. A very good Jew. In the Jewish tradition boys become adults in the community at age thirteen. From what I've read, the average lifespan for a man in first century Judea was about thirty years old. Marriages were usually arranged by the parents beforehand.
I think it's safe to say there was something very unusual going on with Jesus' marital status in the gospels given the culture and times he lived in.
In one sense I think we can say he was married. He was married to his extended family of disciples and the women who supported him financially. That seems to be part of why he was so controversial at the time. They lived, traveled and slept together as itinerant preachers and teachers.
In the end, though, his whole "family" understood him less and less and abandoned him.
At the very end, God ("Heavenly Parents") abandoned him. What's up with that? (Something profound I think.)
My question is, would those same challenges have presented themselves, whether Jesus was thirty three and single, or ninety two and married with "five" (or fourteen) kids?

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